Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Final Summarization

After finishing my book there was a few things i had to ponder over. Firt the conflict and resoultion. After the fallout from the nuclear war and the harsh factors of the nuclear winter began to set in. Finally they moved south where the damage was much less severe. I would have to say that the best part of this book was how it kept you guessing and didn't lay everything out in front of you right away. Although i didn't really like how there was almost a supernatural link between the humans and Wolf of Shadows that didn't really make sense to me. Overall i would recomend this book to fans of Sci-Fi and anyone else who might be in the mood for something different.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Reasons for Buddy group

Part of our assignment was to also take in some outside sources that had something to do with our stories. I chose these links because i felt that they gave some extra insight and could enhance the quality of the book if they were rel event.