Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Final Summarization

After finishing my book there was a few things i had to ponder over. Firt the conflict and resoultion. After the fallout from the nuclear war and the harsh factors of the nuclear winter began to set in. Finally they moved south where the damage was much less severe. I would have to say that the best part of this book was how it kept you guessing and didn't lay everything out in front of you right away. Although i didn't really like how there was almost a supernatural link between the humans and Wolf of Shadows that didn't really make sense to me. Overall i would recomend this book to fans of Sci-Fi and anyone else who might be in the mood for something different.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Reasons for Buddy group

Part of our assignment was to also take in some outside sources that had something to do with our stories. I chose these links because i felt that they gave some extra insight and could enhance the quality of the book if they were rel event.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Archetypal Analysis


The main character in my book even though he is a wolf can be easily classified into a classic archetype of a hero. He was taken the leadership role and his rightful place as pack leader which that simple action alone has restored honor to his name. He also falls into the hero character by stepping up and leading his fellow wolves and these humans away form danger. This solidifies him as a hero because he is helping others for a greater cause and facing a very formidable opponent at the same time registering Wolf of Shadows as a hero. That being said Wolf of Shadows could also be considered a seeker as well. The fact that he is searching for life away from the destruction of the nuclear war, and the fact that if he doesn't leave he will die can also be seen as the axiom for a seeker.


The book is set in the barren wasteland following a nuclear war, so surprisingly there are several archetypes that fit this. The fact that the earth has become wild and dangerous with people raiding homes and killing each other and ravid dog packs turning on their owners for food would be classified in the archetype of the forest because of the wild area it is set in. Also the chaos and unpredictability that has erupted from the nuclear fallout has the characteristic of the archetype of the sea, the loneliness and lawlessness that has come could also put my book under the islands archetype. Because if there is ever going to be a time full of separation and anarchy it would be following a nuclear bombing. These factors would make my setting a combination of many classic settings in Forest, The Sea, and Islands.

Monday, January 26, 2009

100 page update

We were told to blog our ideas about our books every fifty pages. And that is where I last left you. After reading the next fifty pages or so i finished my book, being that it was only around 115 pages long. Now yes that is short, but that in no way means it is not enjoyable. Where I left off, Wolf of Shadows had taken his rightful place as pack leader and was leading his pack and two straggling humans south away from the carnage and fallout from the nuclear war heads. They continued in this matter heading south facing their biggest foe the sever cold. Now for the most part that was their only real resistance outside of a few stray wild dog packs the teeth of the cold nuclear winter and starvation were their biggest adversaries. Finally they caught a break when they stumbled across an old farm house which still had a cow alive in its barn. Now even though the cow was tore to pieces by the wolves they did not loose hope. The humans had a new hope, false or not they had a slight hope they were getting somewhere. Their spirits soared when they reached the Missouri River. And it was the humans turn to help the wolves by bringing them to a bridge and leading them across. After this they continued in the same manner. And just when what little hope they had was about to be crushed when the storm took a turn for the worse, suddenly the sleet turned to rain and they came upon an open valley that was not frozen. They went rushing down the hill to the thawed green grass and that is where we left them. With the chance that maybe they could start a new life with a feeling of companionship and greater knowledge of life than they could have ever imagined.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Reading Habits

Our teacher has asked me to share my reading habits with you for my English class. I do read, although as sad as it is my reading has declined over the years. For the most part my reading now consists mostly of books I'm required to read and the sports section of the daily news. I do enjoy reading actually though sometimes, while i wouldn't call it a habit I will read when I'm in the mood or their is nothing else going on.

My reading preferences vary. I have read quite a few books, but as with anything some I liked and some it was like slapping the book off of my head. My favorites have been Jurassic Park, I liked most of the Lord of the Rings series, Timeline , another book by Michael Crichton was another interesting read and I enjoyed The Old Man and the Sea, and Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry. My least favorite books was the Crucible, Into thin Air, and Fahrenheit 451 Other books Ive read was been Huck Finn, Scarlett Letter, To Kill a Mocking Bird. When i choose to read I like to curl up on my couch and just chill.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wolf of Shadows, 50 page updated

Wolf of Shadows, Whitley Strieber, 1989

In my third hour Honors English class we were recently given the assignment to pick a book of our choice and then blog about it. And as you can see mission accomplished thus far. I chose the short book Wolf of Shadows, by Whitley Strieber. The books starts out with an intro to the main character who ironically happens to be a lone wolf who has chosen the outcast life even tho his great strength and enormous size would allow him to be pack leader. As he becomes more independent a sudden occurrence leads him back to the pack he used to follow. A nuclear war has broken out among the humans and Wolf of Shadows is the only animal aware. A young woman and her daughter come across Wolf of Shadows straggling behind desperate for help. Wolf of Shadows who has now become pack leader comes to them and reaches out to the humans to help them. Now lost in an utter wasteland both his pack and this family are looking to him to lead them to safety. So far I've liked the authors approach with an outcast now being looked to by those in need as a hero. The whole lone wolf thing while it is kinda corny is still interesting and makes for a decent storyline. I haven't really liked the almost supernatural link of the wolf with the humans. I would recommend this book to fans of sci-fi and any readers who are looking for something a little different.