Friday, January 23, 2009

Reading Habits

Our teacher has asked me to share my reading habits with you for my English class. I do read, although as sad as it is my reading has declined over the years. For the most part my reading now consists mostly of books I'm required to read and the sports section of the daily news. I do enjoy reading actually though sometimes, while i wouldn't call it a habit I will read when I'm in the mood or their is nothing else going on.

My reading preferences vary. I have read quite a few books, but as with anything some I liked and some it was like slapping the book off of my head. My favorites have been Jurassic Park, I liked most of the Lord of the Rings series, Timeline , another book by Michael Crichton was another interesting read and I enjoyed The Old Man and the Sea, and Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry. My least favorite books was the Crucible, Into thin Air, and Fahrenheit 451 Other books Ive read was been Huck Finn, Scarlett Letter, To Kill a Mocking Bird. When i choose to read I like to curl up on my couch and just chill.

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