Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Archetypal Analysis


The main character in my book even though he is a wolf can be easily classified into a classic archetype of a hero. He was taken the leadership role and his rightful place as pack leader which that simple action alone has restored honor to his name. He also falls into the hero character by stepping up and leading his fellow wolves and these humans away form danger. This solidifies him as a hero because he is helping others for a greater cause and facing a very formidable opponent at the same time registering Wolf of Shadows as a hero. That being said Wolf of Shadows could also be considered a seeker as well. The fact that he is searching for life away from the destruction of the nuclear war, and the fact that if he doesn't leave he will die can also be seen as the axiom for a seeker.


The book is set in the barren wasteland following a nuclear war, so surprisingly there are several archetypes that fit this. The fact that the earth has become wild and dangerous with people raiding homes and killing each other and ravid dog packs turning on their owners for food would be classified in the archetype of the forest because of the wild area it is set in. Also the chaos and unpredictability that has erupted from the nuclear fallout has the characteristic of the archetype of the sea, the loneliness and lawlessness that has come could also put my book under the islands archetype. Because if there is ever going to be a time full of separation and anarchy it would be following a nuclear bombing. These factors would make my setting a combination of many classic settings in Forest, The Sea, and Islands.