Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wolf of Shadows, 50 page updated

Wolf of Shadows, Whitley Strieber, 1989

In my third hour Honors English class we were recently given the assignment to pick a book of our choice and then blog about it. And as you can see mission accomplished thus far. I chose the short book Wolf of Shadows, by Whitley Strieber. The books starts out with an intro to the main character who ironically happens to be a lone wolf who has chosen the outcast life even tho his great strength and enormous size would allow him to be pack leader. As he becomes more independent a sudden occurrence leads him back to the pack he used to follow. A nuclear war has broken out among the humans and Wolf of Shadows is the only animal aware. A young woman and her daughter come across Wolf of Shadows straggling behind desperate for help. Wolf of Shadows who has now become pack leader comes to them and reaches out to the humans to help them. Now lost in an utter wasteland both his pack and this family are looking to him to lead them to safety. So far I've liked the authors approach with an outcast now being looked to by those in need as a hero. The whole lone wolf thing while it is kinda corny is still interesting and makes for a decent storyline. I haven't really liked the almost supernatural link of the wolf with the humans. I would recommend this book to fans of sci-fi and any readers who are looking for something a little different.

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